The Sanctuary is currently closed. We hope to reopen Friday, 14th March. More info here >


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Lorikeet Feeding

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Meet Australia’s most
colourful BIRD species

Every day at 8 AM and 4 PM, you can enjoy the experience of feeding several wild lorikeets. These colourful birds are not shy of humans and like to eat right from your hands or take a rest on your head and shoulders. These are the birds which founded the sanctuary over 75 years ago and generations later they still know the exact time and place to come feed. With no entry to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary required, this amazing experience is free to watch and a gold coin donation for feeding.



Lorikeet Feeding


8 AM & 4 PM

No entry to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is required, this amazing experience is free to watch and a gold coin donation for feeding.

*Check our opening hours here


You can find
me at G16

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Terms & Conditions

The feed we provide to feed our birds or animals may contain traces of milk and nuts

All birds and animals can carry diseases which may be transmitted to people, please ensure you wash your hands with soap and water after handling animals and before eating or drinking

Some people are more at risk such as the young and elderly or people who are or have recently been sick

Pregnant woman should not feed wild birds

Adults must supervise children

Wear a hat and long sleeve shirt to prevent scratches when feeding birds

Please adhere to regular social distancing practices
